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Rambler's Top100

Grand Inter Champion

Imported from Germany, cattery VOM KUPFERSTICH

  • Breed: British shorthair (BRI)
  • Sex: male (1,0)
  • Color: fawn ticked (p)
  • father: Eur.Ch Timo vom kleinen Schlösschen (BRI b)


  • mother:Ch Rosa vom Kupferstich (BRI a)


  • Owner: Bazhinova Irina
  • Breeder: Christiane Traut

FeLV, Fiv & PKD negativ
HCM scan negativ 10/2011
HCM scan negativ 04/2013
Blood group В


With great pleasure to introduce our new producer rarest color fawn ticked BONAPARTE VOM KUPFERSTICH
The main advantage of BONAPARTE is an exclusive luxury fur coat very light beige color. This is something unimaginable! In order to understand that it is Fawn, not necessarily look at the nose, because in this case it is impossible to doubt. This color and the quality of wool, we see for the first time! We hope that BONAPARTE will generously share with their babies wealth. We pin great hopes on BONAPARTE in getting kittens, not only in a luxury British type, that but with the same exclusive fur coat like his.
Very grateful to the Christiane and Bernd for having once again to our cattery rendered boundless confidence and BONI with us now!

Photogallery of Bonaparte:

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